PurseBop can wholeheartedly admit that coming to terms with your Replica Bvlgari Bags obsession is hard. Last month, we confessed all the reasons behind our Classic Flap Love Affair. However, the Bvlgari appreciation runs much deeper than that since Bvlgari produces a variety of amazing bags. Bvlgari is a go-to brand for many and considered a lucrative investment in the handbag arena. Seeing our favorite celebs carrying fabulous Bvlgari bags has helped us come to the consensus: You can never have enough Bvlgari . See which celebrities love rocking Bvlgari and fully indulge in their CC obsession in the eye candy below.
![Replica Bvlgari Bags](https://www.istanbulisil.com/assets/images/bv.jpg)
As we've exclaimed many times, Gucci has totally transformed this year, and it is definitely the it brand of the moment (Read: Gucci- The Most Improved Player of the Year?). With many new, hot bags like the Gucci Dionysus and the Gucci Marmont, it's easy to see why everyone is obsessed with Gucci. Even celebrities are showing their Gucci appreciation, which only intensifies our desire for everything Gucci!
The Birkin and the Kelly seem to be the unofficial it bags of the stars. Celebrities have played a huge role in maintaining the exclusivity behind the Hermes culture. Unlike other brands, Hermes doesn't sponsor celebrities to carry their products or give away bags for free promotion. Celebs and other big names strive just as hard to become VIP and VVIP clients and build their collection with special www.guccistyle.me.
For some celebrities, the Hermes obsession is all too real. PurseBop is here to expose some of the hardcore H lovers. Let's take a look at 10 Celebs Who Fully Indulge in their Hermes Obsession.