You may be tempted to scoff at the idea of an “alternative” to Chanel’s one and only iconic classic flap. After all, this Replica Balenciaga Handbags holds a special throne in the handbag world and in almost every fashionista’s heart. We even confessed all of the reasons we love the classic flap recently.
While it may be true Chanel’s classic flap will always be the classic flap, it doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate similar bags. You may fall in love with a classic flap “inspired” bag and that is perfectly alright! Experimenting with other flap and quilted style bags can help you decide whether you want to make an investment in a real Chanel bag. Better yet, chain strap replica hermes handbags are making a huge splash this season! Aside from price, you may just have a preference for another brand’s rendition of the silhouette over Chanel’s. There is no need to justify whether a bag is a “copy” or “alternative” to the classic flap. Instead, let’s admire the powerful influence that Chanel’s classic flap bag has had in the fashion industry!