Hermes Replica Handbags isn't all about Birkins, Kellys and Constances. Sure, those bags have the Holy Grail–factor going for them, but whether for the sake of variety or price, it's important to step back every so often and take a good look at the broader Hermès picture. Hermès craftsmanship is undeniable, and that goes for all of their bags. So forget the waiting game—at least for a little while—and have some fun with these 5 Hermès bags under $5,000!
Does Hermès get any cuter than the Picotin? This bag made a splash earlier this year when Megan Markle was spotted with a bag that looked like one. (Read: Is Meghan Markle Carrying an Hermès Picotin?) With a unique tote shape, the Picotin is quite the charmer, and definitely something to consider if you're looking to add an interesting silhouette to your handbag closet.
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The Evelyne is an absolute crowd-pleaser. It's one of the most popular Hermès bags, and with its original saddlebag design and perforated the Evie is a true Hermès staple, even at its lower price point hermes replica handbags.
If you're looking for a practical, workhorse Hermès bag, the Garden Party is the way to go. It's basically a classic, structured tote with a twist, since its shape gives it a bit more whimsy than your average tote. The Garden Party is so beloved that we updated our reference guide for it this year. (Read: Hermès 101: Everything You Need to Know About the Hermès Garden Party Tote)
Earlier this year, we argued that the Halzan is underrated, and we stand by that. (Read: The Hermès Halzan Deserves Some Love) The Halzan is, admittedly, one of the stranger Hermès bags—it can be worn multiple ways (and hence can look like an entirely different bag), and it has handles that fold over itself. But it's also wonderfully versatile, and we love how Hermès doesn't shy away from designs that stand out.
We'll be upfront about it: the Clic 16 is technically a wallet. But it's a wallet in the same way that the Chanel WOC is a wallet; both are effectively used as shoulder bags. (Read: Battle of the WOCs: Chanel vs. Hermès)
In our opinion, the Clic 16 is irresistible on account of its sleek design and price—at $2,600, it's the least expensive bag on this list. And with card slots and two interior pockets, it's convenient to boot. An absolute gem.
Are you enticed? Which one of these five bags would you choose as your Hermès entry-level bag? If you have one of the five already, tell us what it's like to own it! We'd love to hear about your experience.